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Seamless Data Connections

Access everything from summary financials to transaction-level details with the Strongbox accounting system integrations.

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One-Click Connections

Flexible Accounting System Integration

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Strongbox offers flexible accounting system integrations. With a single click, you can connect directly to the business's accounting system. Or you can share a URL with the account owner for them to easily connect themselves. 


Once connected, you get all the financial information you need automatically in seconds, saving weeks of back-and-forth.


And with an automatic digital connection, you remove opportunities for human error and costly delays.


Coming Soon: an exciting third connection option - an Excel Upload! No matter what system the business uses, you can still use Strongbox.


Strongbox integrates with the most popular
ERPs and accounting systems:
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One Click Connections

Customizable Connection Experience

Help Your Clients Easily Submit Required Reports

Create a connection experience that fits your existing processes and keeps your clients, target companies, and/or team happy.  


With our cutting edge financial data analysis tools, we can offer a variety of connection options so that you can use the method that best fits your needs:



1. Secure URL to a White-Labeled Web Portal


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Give us your logo and we create a branded portal for your clients to connect their accounting system to Strongbox. You generate a custom link in your Strongbox account, share it with the business, and in a few clicks, they are done. Your clients will thank you for the time-savings you provide them by not requiring them to run manual reports!



2. Connect to the Accounting System Yourself

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If you have the right permissions and access, you can connect to the accounting system directly yourself. This saves you and the client even more time by bypassing the need for them to generate any reports or grant Strongbox access.


3. Excel Upload

(Coming Soon!)

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Have a client using an accounting system that doesn't yet integrate with Strongbox? No problem! You can soon use our Excel Upload feature to generate a standardized Strongbox Output, regardless of what system the data came from.​

Custom Connection

Data Collection Options

Strongbox makes it easy to collect all the information you need, and nothing you don’t. Connection workflows also include a description of the data being requested so your clients aren’t left in the dark.


Here is a subset of available collection options for your team:


Time Periods

Select up to 5 fiscal years plus year-to-date (including up to the current day if required) all at once rather than through multiple reports.



Reports can be extracted on an accrual, cash basis or both, so you will always the right information.



Ability to anonymize things like customer and vendor names, if required, to protect sensitive information of the company, such as their customer list.



Select any or all of the following reports to extract from the accounting system:


  • Financial Statements: side-by-side income statements and balance sheets on a monthly, interim and annual basis so you don’t need to combine multiple reports yourself. Strongbox is also the go-to trial balance software for accounting firms, providing monthly trial balances.

  • Transaction Details: a full general ledger extract, delivered in a flat Excel database table, enabling you to filter, sort and pivot to run virtually any analysis you need on your own.

  • AR/AP Details: up-to-date, detailed monthly or year-end reports of open invoices and bills.

  • Revenue Details: see all revenue sources in one, central report by customer, product/service, location and more.

  • Customer / Vendor Lists: get a complete picture of the customers and vendors the company works with, including transactional information tied to each, to get a full picture of concentrations and trends.

  • Chart of Accounts: While Strongbox utilizes the standard mapping used in each accounting system, talk to our team about how you can create your own mapping templates.

Data Assets

Validation Checks

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Strongbox performs a comprehensive set of checks to uncover missing or questionable financial data. Our financial data analysis tools perform over 50 checks on each month of data to help identify anomalies.


Completeness Checks:

Out of date information

Missing historical periods

Missing amounts for account categories

Missing balance sheet activity

Trial balance


Reliability Checks:

Accounting equations and formulas

Period-over-period continuity

Missing correlations between account categories

Forensic accounting (Benford's Law & KS Test)

Validation Check

Ready to Try Strongbox?

Join our community of Top Accounting Firms from the Big 4 to Regional Experts. Request your free Strongbox demo today and try our Risk-Free Pilot Program.

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